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Article written by Maya Vukovska

In dating, like in any professional sphere, there are mediocre, average, and top performers. For the latter, there are no secrets in the art of dating: they know all the right words and all the right moves, and they always seem relaxed and super confident in their dating skills and schemes. But for those who lack confidence and stamina, going on dates, especially first dates, can be a very stressful experience. The feeling of nervousness and pending failure is the same as the one that put your third-grade ass on fire when you had to recite a couple of lines at the school performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. Now, some 15-20 years later, you’re done with Jack and his enchanted bean, but the stage fright is still there. And the worse part is that it gets in the way of your sex life. The good news is that I can help you with that, or at least try, by providing some really good hacks for first-date anxiety.

Don’t fight the fear - own it!

The psychologists say that if you try to fight the symptoms of the upcoming panic attack, you can only make it worse. If you’ve experienced this overwhelming feeling of extreme anxiousness before then you know you’re not going to die. It’s just nerves. Give validation to your emotions and you’ll be surprised at how much that insight can help you take the edge off the fear.

Concentrate on a familiar object

In the medical drama series The Good Doctor, Shaun, a brilliant young autistic surgeon, always keeps in his pocket a toy surgical scalpel, which he'll start rubbing to calm himself down every time he’s about to have a panic attack. It always works! The guy has mastered one of the most effective techniques for fighting stress and anxiety. Focusing on one particular familiar object will distract your thoughts from the upcoming first date, and help you avoid a panic attack. Just do yourself a favor and don’t choose as your totem object something huge or inappropriate like a teddy bear, a framed picture of your mom, or a pair of boxer shorts that belonged to your ex!

Choose the place yourself

You may not like to impose yourself on people, but for your own good, you must insist that you pick the location where you meet for your first date. Таке him to a place where you feel at ease, whether it’s the coffee shop you get your latte to-go every morning, the small Italian restaurant where they serve a fantastic pasta puttanesca or the gay bar “where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came.” A familiar place, just like the familiar object, will help you switch from freaking-out mode to flirting mode.

Do not overthink it

If your date is not some cold-blooded sociopath or one of those unscrupulous professional daters, he, too, may be super nervous about meeting you. What you can do to help yourself relax is get one or two drinks beforehand. What you can do to help him relax is avoid reciting lines previously rehearsed in front of the mirror. That’s not a school play, remember? And then, choose your topics smartly. If the guy happens to be Jew, don’t start talking about the Holocaust right away. If he mentions he’s been sick recently, don’t smother him with all the conspiracy theories about the COVID virus that you’ve come upon on the internet. Just keep it cool and casual. Here’s my best advice: be like the Brits for a while and use the weather as an ice-breaker.

Rediscover your inner queen

Once, a girlfriend of mine told me, “You know what, bitch, I spent too many years praying the guys I'm dating would like me, and that we’d live happily ever after. But I’m done with this shit. Now, when I go on dates I pray the fabulous queen inside of me will like the guy.” Can I get an amen to that?

Be rational… but not too rational

If none of the above-mentioned tactics happen to work for you, and you still feel nervous as hell, remember this: It will pass! Although the date turned out to be a disaster, tomorrow everything will be back to normal… to your normal!

However, there’s always a chance that tomorrow you wake up in bed together with your date. And then nothing will feel “normal” ever again…

February 17, 2022 — Andrew Christian
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