How to Make Long-Distance Relationships Not Suck So Much
Article by Maya Vukovska
I have recently come upon a video on Instagram, where a guy was explaining that a human being needs at least 8 hugs a day to feel happy and relaxed. Now I understand why I am constantly anxious and haunted by unhappy thoughts - I get fewer hugs a day. And on some days, even zero! People in long-distance relationships must feel the same. They can see and hear the voice of their partner on a regular basis thanks to the modern means of communication, but they don’t get to be hugged. And fucked, pardon my French. Although a Chinese start-up has invented a long-distance kissing machine that transmits users’ kissеs through motion sensors implanted in silicon lips, this doesn’t seem to be a viable solution for couples struggling to maintain their LDR intact. Because love is love, but nothing can substitute physical intimacy when two people are in love and committed to each other - not even the smartest AI in the world! So, the question is: What can you do to make the relationship with a loved one who’s across mountains and seas work? If I knew the exact answer, I’d probably win a Nobel prize, but I don’t. Nobody does, really. But I have some tips up my sleeve that may help you stay strong and keep the sparkle alive.If you can’t learn to live apart, you can’t learn to live together
Let me tell you something from personal experience, guys. I am a very protective-of-my-personal-space person, and you would never hear me say, “I don’t know how to live by myself”, or “I am afraid that I’ll die alone and the cat will feed on my face.” The truth is that if you cannot be your own man, you won’t be capable of holding onto any relationship, not only a long-distance one. Distance is not for the fearful but for the bold. It works best for those willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for just a little precious time with the one they love. After all, long distance is the best test for one’s feelings, trust, and dedication.Schedule activities together
Just because you are not in the same place, doesn’t mean that you can’t do things together - and I don’t mean only sexting and masturbating over FaceTime! Plan a movie night. Or try a new recipe - cooking the same dish simultaneously, and comparing the results afterward can be quite fun, I imagine. Here’s another suggestion for shared fun: when one of you is going to a dinner with friends, the other can join virtually, and participate in the conversation - but not in the bill splitting :)