By Eris Chase  

We LOVE a Submissive/Dominant relationship. That unquestioned power exchange. The way  a Sub so willingly and trustingly surrenders control. The Dom carefully taking that control and  leading their partner in the way they need and crave. A true Dom can guide the Sub into  realizing the power in submission. Freedom through acquiesces. Beautiful. No Sub/Dom  dynamic is more appealing to us in this regard than that of the “Service-oriented Submissive”.  

What Do You Mean by Service Sub?  

Our favorite sweetheart of the submissive world, they get immense pleasure and satisfaction  in serving their partner. Fulfilling their Dom’s every need. Small and basic, or, complex and  near impossible. From simple tasks, like taking their shoes off for them and placing them in  their proper spot to making sure they never run out of their favorite creamer. To the more  taxing, like becoming a human foot rest while their Dom works, or, cleaning an entire kitchen  floor in the nude with a scrub brush held in their mouth. The Service Sub executes tasks with  joy in the service of their Dom.  

Really? “Joy in Service”?  

YES!! All the, YES! Ok, we’ll give you a very innocuous example… Have you ever baked the  most flawless cake, and actually had someone eat it in front of you while they moan in  pleasure at it’s deliciousness? Moaning at your baking skills? Moaning for you? Falling over  themselves to let you know how much they enjoyed it? That dopamine hit from pleasing  someone with something you did? Yes? Then, think of an entire scene or even a 24/7  relationship where your service is always seen and acknowledged.  

The most in tune Service Subs not only anticipate needs, they go a step above and beyond in  their completion of the task… Your Dom needs coffee to get started? This will be an  exceptional coffee if the Sub is on point. Heart shaped foam. Just the right temperature, in  their favorite cup. Carried with grace and reverence, maybe even served with a delicate smile  decorating their lips while on their knees? The Dom will offer praise; a stroke through the hair,  a soft kiss to the temple with an uttered “Such a good sweet boy” added into the praise.  Personally, I love when someone crawls to me and gifts me with my drink, then waits for  further instruction at my feet. Doesn’t everyone?? 

The Sub Gets Something Out Of This, Right? Right???  

Of course! To be seen. To be fulfilled. To reach a zen state of calm that comes from being able  to focus their loving and caring energy totally into someone else. To shut off their own wants  and give over all that they are into the happiness of someone else.  

Most Dom’s never have demands. It’s more subtle, like expectations of behavior. Think of a  task we all must do, like dressing and undressing each day. The Service Sub becomes Royal  Family Butler level skilled at doing this for their Dom. Buttoning and unbuttoning in one fluid  motion. Zippers must slide without ever catching. Ties must be the perfect double Windsor.  No lint, never a wrinkle. Stripped on and off to the Dom’s liking. Folded and rehung, or taken  immediately to the wash.  

These nurturing Subs want and desire to be watched and scrutinized while they are in task  mode. Folding laundry and 100% not getting that fitted sheet military specification crisp? A  simple *tisk* from their Dom can have them bent over in a millisecond awaiting a swift and firm corrective spank. Kind of a “funishment” for almost every Sub we know, but still effective!  Consequences for failures are negotiated well in advance, and a good Sub takes their  punishment as part of their becoming a better Sub.  

Reward Me, Baby  

There are always some lovely tangible rewards too. We know Dom’s who make task boards  and give star stickers when their Sub does specific tasks perfectly as a way to acknowledge  their Sub’s sacrifice. A softer handed Dom may take a little time and do something small in service to their Sub. Hand feeding is always a top choice. Putting your Sub back on their  knees and slowly choosing bites for them, placing it in their mouth and letting them know  when they can chew and swallow. One of our closest Sub friends shared that there is not a  more satisfying end to a day then when he’s been perfect in his service and is rewarded by  being allowed to lie in his Dom’s lap and warm his cock with his mouth while his Dom reads.  

That thrill they describe in their Sub at seeing squares filled, laying in their lap, being fed are  of pure unadulterated elation. The recognition and the reward is an almost mandatory part of  the dynamic working. 

Anything Else??  

Yes! You should give this mutually satisfying role play a go! Making someone’s life more  pleasant. More comfortable. Take as many of a Dom’s mundane worries and tasks and solve  them. Sync up so much, that you accomplish them without needing to be asked or failing at  them and needing corrective punishment. It’s about love, devotion, and creating a dynamic  that’s fulfilling for both you and your Dom. Embrace it, babes. Let us know how you like it! 

July 16, 2024 — Andrew Christian