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Article written by Alexander Rodriguez, host of On the Rocks with Alexander

Honey Davenport has had some legendary moments in her life. Before appearing on Drag Race, she made an indelible mark on the New York City nightlife scene as well as the pageant world. After Drag Race, she has continued building her own brand with on-stage and on-screen appearances as well as multiple music releases. Her latest hit, Mighty Legendary (sponsored by Mistr and co-starring Alaska) is steaming up the dance charts as well as causing a little bit of controversy on YouTube as the platform has restricted the music video to ages 18 and over. Nothing can keep Honey down as she continues to promote drag, sexuality, and equality with all of her content. Not new to activism, she used her voice as a kid, writing and performing spoken word and music from a very early age, reflecting the world she saw around her growing up in the projects.

Honey is here to stay, and she is mighty legendary in her own right. We chatted with Honey over a cocktail for this Andrew Christian exclusive.

What was the inspiration behind Mighty Legendary?

The concept for MIGHTY LEGENDARY began back when I was competing for Miss Southern California Continental (which I won, btw)! After all of my package was in place, I booked a huge gig back on the East Coast. I came back to California the day of the pageant to my best friend Sapphira Cristal (who had flown in to help) picking me up from the airport with my suit for the interview steamed and ready to go. We went from the airport directly to the pageant (without even grabbing my luggage), I was only 3 minutes late and ended up winning the whole pageant. Afterward, I kept saying how mighty legendary that felt, and the next day Trent Park and I started writing a song about the feeling!

What makes someone Legendary?

So many things go into attaining legendary status, more than just appearing on an amazing reality TV show!

I believe what makes me personally legendary is the amalgam of diverse safe spaces I have created for my queer community (especially its POC members). Throughout my career, I've tried to create this space for queer individuals to be celebrated and feel free and sexually liberated. It also helps that I've released an onslaught of great music spanning several genres, won 19 pageant crowns, and the countless sickening queens and performers I've pushed out of my drag out into the world as my drag babies. All of these things have definitely affirmed my status as mighty legendary!

What was it like working with Alaska?

Epic, she is a Goddess! Her music has always been something I've connected with and it was amazing working together on a song. It’s really wonderful when you work with out-of-this-world talents who are down-to-earth and chill.

You have never shied away from sexuality, in and out of drag…with drag being under attack, should we still be celebrating our sexuality in such an open way?

The LGBTQ+ rights movement and sexual liberation go hand and hand. Our queer forefathers fought and died (although “no one died at Stonewall” as Willam taught us ) for the right for us to have the kind of love, freedom, and sex we desire.

That being said, there is a time, space, and audience for overtly sexual art and performance, but drag queens, just like pop stars, painters, filmmakers and anyone else should be allowed to create. Censorship is a parent's right and responsibility, but celebrating consensual sexuality between adults shouldn’t be demonized, especially not since two people having sex is how we all got here in the first place. It’s actually something that connects us all as humans.

In addition to drag, you are an accomplished actor and musician, how do you know what aspect of your career to focus on?

I wish I had an answer for this, but I'm still figuring it out myself! I am constantly trying to figure out which direction is pulling at my creativity, but I am always torn by the amount of inspiration I receive on a daily basis to keep creating in different directions. One day I'll be inspired to write a song, the next day I'll be workshopping a new Broadway play, and the day after that I'll be jetting off across the country to DJ! Perhaps one day I'll figure out how to focus on one outlet, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying creating whatever I want and sharing it with the world!

How is Honey the person most different than the Honey we see on screen?

Honestly, my drag persona is just an exaggerated version of my out-of-drag persona, but I am definitely more chill in real life than how I appear on stage or in the booth. Off-screen I preach the same practices, but just at a slightly lower volume.

How did you get your drag name?

Long story short RuPaul accidentally wrote it to me at a book signing. So I guess you could say my name has been on RuPaul's mind for over 15 years now!

What did you love about doing Drag Race the most?

The life that it’s provided me after. I wasn't in the greatest headspace mentally when filming so watching the episodes back can be traumatic and triggering for me, but the experience has definitely made me stronger and more self-aware. Being on Rupaul's Drag Race is definitely a one-of-a-kind experience I am forever grateful for, but the platform that the show gave me afterward, to be able to create even more art than before and make it lucrative, is incomparable and something I will forever be thankful to Mama Ru, World of Wonder and all the crew/producers for.

What did you love least about doing Drag Race?

The fact that in 15 seasons no one was eliminated the way I was. Normally you get to lip sync against one girl to save yourself and really showcase your skills, but making 6 performers lip sync in big outfits on a tiny stage was my least favorite thing. But hey, at least I was a part of a moment in historic and iconic television!

What sets you apart from other Queens in the industry?

Well, I’m definitely one of the hardest workers I know, and I have continued to create beautiful art at a very high volume for almost 17 years! No one can say I don't put my all into every project in a way I have never seen anyone do before!

What kind of underwear are you wearing around the house on a day off?

Andrew Christian, of course! 90% of my underwear are jocks from AC, if I'm wearing anything around the house at all!

What kind of underwear are you wearing for date night?

Definitely a Jock or maybe a high-cut brief, if it’s classy.

If you were to design a pair of Andrew Christians, what would they look like?

Bright, colorful, covered in bumblebees, and very slutty! Seriously though, I have ideas, have the powers that be call me! The readers want it!

What is your message to the LGBTQ community?

Even in these seemingly dark times, hope is contagious! Spread hope around because sometimes hope is our only light. If your life and pursuit of happiness don't bring harm to you or anyone else, then there is nothing wrong with your desires, your fantasies, and the beauty you would like to create in this world! Oh, and also check out all of my music, shows, and performances!

Follow Honey on IG: @HoneyDavenportOfficial

Listen to Mighty Legendary in all its remixed glory

October 12, 2023 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Interview
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