by Jeff White

Well, well, well—if it isn’t Project 2025, Trump’s little conservative pet project crafted by the GOP! with all the charm of a drag queen falling off her stilettos, coming for our healthcare likeIt’s a poorly written rom-com, you know, the kind where the protagonist has an epiphany that they can’t live without their health insurance—like, wow, what a plot twist! Spoiler alert: that’s us, especially when it comes to pre-existing conditions like HIV. Because nothing says “happy days are here again” like erasing critical health protections for marginalized communities. So stash your Truvada and grab your fiercest shade of sarcasm; we’re about to dive headfirst into the hot mess that is Project 2025!

A Brief History of Healthcare Hostility

Project 2025 is like that high school friend who never quite left the drama club—forever rehearsing their lines about “freedom” while trying to kick others off the stage. The initiative seeks to obliterate the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is basically the superhero of healthcare for millions. One of its most important features? The requirement for health insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. You know, conditions like HIV, which has the audacity to exist and thrive in a world that often wants to pretend it doesn’t.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of Project 2025’s goals. They’re not just attacking healthcare; they’re targeting the very fabric of protections for our most vulnerable. If they succeed, insurance companies would once again have the delightful freedom to deny coverage based on medical history—cue the collective gasp from anyone who remembers a time when having a pre-existing condition like HIV was a one-way ticket to being left out in the cold!

PrEP? More Like “Nope”

Now, let’s talk about PrEP, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, which has been a game-changer in HIV prevention. Medications like Truvada and Descovy allow folks to live their best lives without the constant fear of an HIV diagnosis lurking around every corner. But Project 2025, bless its misguided heart, sees this as a threat to their agenda. You see, the very existence of effective healthcare strategies like PrEP might disrupt their narrative of “personal responsibility,” where individuals should just be grateful for whatever scraps of coverage they can get.

Imagine a world where getting your hands on PrEP is as easy as finding a unicorn in a forest. If Project 2025 has its way, that’s exactly what we’ll be facing. No more Truvada, no more Descovy—just a big fat “Nope” from health insurance companies who don’t see a profit in preventing HIV. And let’s not even get started on the implications for other STIs like syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia—or the possibility of losing access to doxycycline as PrEP. Are we really ready to take a trip back to the dark ages of STI management? Because Project 2025 seems to think that’s a fabulous idea! Hooray syphilis for all!

Healthcare: The Ultimate 'Fend for Yourself' Scenario

What’s even more amusing (in a tragic sort of way) is the suggestion that individuals should just “fend for themselves.” Because obviously, navigating the healthcare landscape alone—especially for marginalized communities—is a walk in the park, right? Imagine trying to secure medication like PrEP without the ACA’s protections. Without insurance, it could cost upwards of $2,000 a month! Good luck making that happen. It’s almost as if Project 2025 seems to think we’re all just one inspirational Instagram post away from perfect health, completely overlooking the financial reality for most people. Or maybe they’re just willfully ignoring the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. Who would’ve guessed?

As these policy proposals unfold, we can practically hear the echo of outdated beliefs that paint HIV as a moral failing rather than a public health issue. It’s 2024, folks! Can we please move on from the idea that someone’s worth is determined by their health status? Gay folks are people too, and that stigma is as stale as last week’s bread!

Why We Must Fight Back

Let’s be real—this isn’t just about healthcare; it’s about the right to exist and thrive without the weight of shame or discrimination. The potential rollback of protections for pre-existing conditions and life-saving medications like PrEP isn’t just a political maneuver; it’s a direct threat to the health and wellbeing of countless individuals.

What Can We Do?

So, what can we do? It starts with getting involved and making our voices heard. One of the most crucial steps is voting in November for an administration that wants to preserve the ACA. It’s time to support candidates who value healthcare equity and understand the importance of protecting marginalized communities. Engage in conversations, advocate for healthcare access, and remind your representatives that our lives are not bargaining chips in a political game.

Join organizations that fight for LGBTQ+ rights and healthcare access, and let your voice be heard—loudly and proudly. We have the power to shape a future where healthcare is a right, not a privilege. And don’t forget to check out to make sure you’re ready to cast your vote and make a difference!

Project 2025 may want to usher us back to an era of healthcare that prioritizes profit over people, but we’re not going down without a fight. We will raise our voices, wield our sarcasm like a weapon, and refuse to allow anyone to erase the hard-won protections that keep our communities healthy and thriving. After all, who needs an outdated narrative when we can forge a future filled with care, compassion, and, let’s not forget, a little sass? So, here’s to fighting the good fight—one snarky article at a time!

September 23, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: AC Hot Takes