Are you a basic bitch involved with a worldly sophisticate? The plight of a philistine can be tough, so tread cautiously. Don’t blow a good thing by revealing your complete lack of culture and refinement. Follow these tips and he’ll have no idea that you’ve never listened to a Miles Davis record in your whole life. Here are five of the biggest things that TURN OFF sophisticated men and should be avoided at all costs:

1. Obsession with social media

A sophisticated man is far above petty concerns such as one’s social media profile. He understands that the algorithms are designed to addict, so he moderates his usage closely. If you’re constantly checking your phone and taking selfies, he may delete you from his life.

2. Bad oral hygiene

Nothing turns-off a classy gentleman as quickly as poor oral hygiene. If you’re not brushing, flossing and dealing with yellowing, good luck getting anywhere near that pristine mouth of his. A little gum ain't gonna fool him either.

3. Unkempt fingernails and toenails

Similarly, a sophisticated man is going to pay particular care with his toenails and fingernails. If you’re rocking jaggedy, dirt-filled french tips, then please kindly excuse yourself from his table. This is a four star restaurant, you dirty hippy.

4. Set in your ways as a top or bottom

A real classy dude may take issue with you being set in your ways as a top or a bottom. At the pinnacle of refinement, such arbitrary classifications as top and bottom fail to serve a purpose. He wants to make love as two cosmic spirits communing with each other. If you’re just trying to squirt more jizz in your preferred posture, then find someone else.

5. Fully shaven bodies

Most classy sophisticates will not be into fully shaven bodies. A man who has acquired tastes in art, cuisine, and culture has surely also refined his palette for men. He’s attracted to the things that make men men, namely hair. Dating a refined sophisticate isn’t for everyone, and if you’re forced to modify all your habits to do so, you may want to reconsider. But if you do have your eyes on a regal hunk of poise and tact, avoid these turn-offs and he’s yours!
March 05, 2019 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture

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