Alright, globetrotters, gather round, because we need to talk about the cultural shock that is dating (and, yes, banging) European gays vs. American gays. Let me just say upfront: it’s a whole different ballgame, honey. Whether you’re hopping across the Atlantic for that romantic escapade or swiping right on your Grindr passport feature, there are some key differences you need to know about when dealing with these two different flavors of gay. And if you haven’t dabbled in both yet, sweetie, you're missing out.

Without further ado, here are six differences between European gays and American gays that’ll have you booking a one-way flight in search of your next international lover.

1. Americans Have a Car, Europeans Have a Coffee Shop

Let’s be real: American gays LOVE their cars. It’s not their fault; it’s how the country is built. You’ve got highways, drive-thrus, and 5-lane interstates cutting through the city. So it makes sense that for a lot of American gays, the dating scene revolves around the ol’ ”come over and chill” routine.

Europeans? Oh, honey, they want to meet you in person. Why? Because in cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and Barcelona, cars aren’t king. Cute coffee shops, quaint parks, art museums—those are the stomping grounds for our European queens. They’ve got walkable streets, convenient metros, and more cafes than Starbucks could ever dream of. So expect your first date to be strolling through a park, sipping on a cappuccino, and talking about existentialism (or... y’know, that fabulous Italian singer they just have to introduce you to).

In America, you’ll be lucky if your first date isn’t just you and him in a car, awkwardly driving to Taco Bell at midnight because ”everything else is closed.” 😬

2. Nordic Gays: You’re Making the First Move

So, you’re into tall, blonde, Viking-esque men from the Nordics? Same, sis. But if you think these quiet, stoic men are going to throw themselves at you like an American gay after three tequila shots… think again. Nordic gays are COLD. Like, “am I flirting with a refrigerator?” levels of cold. But don’t be discouraged, because once you crack that icy surface, oh honey, the fire underneath is SO worth it.

Just know this: you’re gonna have to do the heavy lifting when it comes to making that first move. Whether you’re in Denmark, Sweden, or Norway, Nordic men need you to lay the groundwork. Be bold. Be direct. Let them know you’re interested. They may seem reserved, but they’re actually waiting for you to break the ice.

Meanwhile, Italian and Spanish gays? Hot-blooded AF. You barely need to say “Ciao” before they’re offering you a tour of their bedroom. These men are passionate, fiery, and live for the thrill of the chase. They’ll flirt with you aggressively, so buckle up. This rollercoaster’s got no brakes, baby.

3. American Gays Are Straight to the Point, European Gays Love a Good Dance

In the land of the free, everything’s fast—fast food, fast fashion, and, well, fast everything. American gays? They know what they want and they’re not about to waste time. You want sex? Great, they’re down. Send the address, clear your schedule, and be ready to go. It's a very straightforward vibe, with minimal dancing around the topic.

But European gays? Honey, they’ll make you work for it. You’re going to get that slow burn, that build-up. Whether it’s hours of eye contact across a smoky bar in Berlin, or a night of heavy flirting at a club in Madrid, you’re in for the long game. It’s not uncommon to spend an entire night teasing and seducing without actually sealing the deal until the early hours of the morning (if at all). The tension is delicious, the anticipation is EVERYTHING.

Oh, and let’s not forget the French gays, who somehow manage to make everything feel like an indie film. They’ll toy with you, make you question if they even like you, then surprise you with a passionate kiss at sunrise. It’s exhausting, but also... kinda hot?

4. Americans Love Labels, Europeans Love the Experience

Ask an American gay his label and he’ll hit you with Top, Bottom, Verse, Otter, Bear, Twink, Masc, Fem—honey, the list goes on. Americans LOVE their categories. We’ve all gotten that message: “Hey, what are you into? What are you looking for?” It’s the classic American gay dating script.

Meanwhile, in Europe? Labels? Who needs ‘em. It’s all about the vibe. You’re not going to get that same mechanical, checklist conversation in most European countries. In places like Amsterdam or Berlin, you’ll hear things like “Let’s see what happens,” or “I’m just into people.” It’s about the connection, the experience, and what feels right in the moment.

It’s like... Europeans just get it. Why rush to define everything? Just enjoy the ride (sometimes literally). 😏

5. Europe Has Bathhouses, America Has... uh, the Gym Steam Room

Now, if you’re in Europe and you haven’t experienced a bathhouse yet, baby, what are you doing? From Berlin to Madrid, bathhouse culture is alive and thriving. It’s a whole experience, where you can relax in a sauna, dip into a pool, and maybe have some fun along the way. These places are more than just hookup spots—they’re a part of gay history, a place where men gather to socialize, unwind, and sometimes get a little wild.

In America, bathhouses aren’t as common (for ahem legal reasons). But the gym steam room? Now that’s a whole other ball game. It’s like a secret meeting spot for men who are “just here to work out” (wink wink). Sure, it’s not as glamorous as the European bathhouse scene, but it gets the job done if you know where to look.

6. The Walk of Shame Is Universally Fabulous, But in Europe It’s Just Better

Now, let’s talk logistics, honey. In America, the walk of shame often involves hopping in your car at 7 a.m., mascara smeared, and silently praying you don’t run into anyone you know at Starbucks.

But in Europe? Oh honey, it’s a whole vibe. Imagine strolling down cobblestone streets in Paris or Venice, rocking your tightest jeans from the night before, with the city waking up around you. The air is crisp, the boulangeries are starting to open, and there’s a faint buzz of life returning to the streets. You might even stop for a croissant and a cappuccino on your way home. It’s a walk of shame that feels more like a fashion moment. Iconic.

So, there you have it. Whether you’re into the all-business American gays or the seductive slow-burn of European lovers, one thing’s for sure: every culture has its own fabulous flavor. There’s no “better” or “worse” — just different. So go forth, my globe-trotting queens, and enjoy the beautiful diversity of our worldwide gay community. 🌈💅

October 09, 2024 — Andrew Christian