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Article written by Kendra Beltran

With the cost of living continuing to rise in major cities, more and more of us are having to give up space in order to take on roommates. Which when you're 20-something isn't too bad but once you start getting up there in age, it can be a bit awkward. 35, 40, 45 and living like you're in college with your best friend? Come on, guys...So if you're able to and can afford it (we know the struggle is real for some), do yourself a favor and live on your own. The benefits of living by yourself are amazing and we are going to break them down now.

1. Independence

One of the greatest things about being grown is the independence. There is nothing like the pride felt when you can accomplish something on your own, even if it's something as like renting or owning your own space. Hell, even if you have to rock it in a studio instead of a one-bedroom, at least you know it's all you boo.

2. This Isn't College

Have you ever walked into an apartment where two or more people of a certain age live, and it's like you're transported back to when you were forced to live in the dorms? It's the worst. Pizza boxes, beer cans, horrendous decor, a freaking futon. What even is that? At a certain age, futons are going to absolutely wreck your back but that's another story for another day. Bottom line is after you hit a certain birthday, you can't go on like that because it ain't cute anymore.

3. Have Defined Individual Space

Only being able to design your bedroom and not every other aspect of a home can make you feel like you are still in high school. Your room is totally yours to do with what you want, but those shared've got to check with someone and then there's a debate of who likes and doesn't like what. When you live alone, every space is yours and you can break that high school feeling by taking control of how every aspect of your home looks and feels like.

4. Dating is Easier

Let's be real, dating when you have a roommate is weird. Trust me, I dated (and am now married) to a guy who had a roommate. It was like you always have this third (lovable but always around) wheel when you're trying to just hang out. It also makes sex awkward because you don't want to be too loud if their room is literally three feet away. So it is safe to say that this may be the number one reason to live that solo life. Sex. Sex is always high on the list.

5. Privacy

Not only is sex and dating a privacy issue when you have a roommate, but all around privacy. Sometimes you just want to come home and not have someone all up in your business.

6. No Drama

Some people who live together are perfect matches. We have all seen that and know it can happen but not everyone on earth pairs nicely. When that happens, drama is right around the corner waiting to stir the pot. Whether it's one dirty dish too many or they left their shit all over the living room, drama will occur. Which is even worse when the roommate is a friend you thought you could totally live with. Living with friends, you run the risk of that roommate drama eventually causing a riff between your actual friendship. So as they say, leave the drama for your mama and do not even go there.

June 13, 2019 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture
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