By Eris Chase  

Sami stood in front of the window, his eyes glued to their quiet little street in the  gayborhood. His filthy, hot-as-sin neighbor he definitely didn’t have a huge crush on— okay, maybe he did—Luca, was out front again, shirtless, hauling out his trash. The sun  glistened off his dark skin, tattoos shifting over his muscles as he moved.  

And those gray sweatpants? A sumptuous dream walking. Whoever invented them  deserves a monolith built in their honor. Loose in all the right places, snug in even  better ones, highlighting that ridiculous club pretending to be a cock between his  

legs like a promise. Sami’s eyes were stuck on the spot. Every time Luca moved, the  fabric stretched tighter, making the outline of his cock even more obvious.  

Every trash day, this was his divine ritual—gawking from the front window,  mesmerized. No way was he the only one looking in their horny complex either. He  could imagine several more creeping eyes in the neighboring windows.  

But this trash day was different. Today, Luca paused, his hand sliding between his  legs, adjusting himself—no, not adjusting—squeezing and stretching himself. Sami  swore he could see the bulge thicken even more.  

“Oh my God,” his breath catching in his throat. Luca gave himself another little  squeeze, like he was putting on a show, and Sami pressed his face closer to the glass,  creating a steam circle from his panting.  

And then Luca snapped his head—straight at him—and winked.  

“Oh fuck.” 

Sami froze. Luca’s eyes locked on his, and the smirk that spread across Luca’s face was  downright wicked. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Sami yanked himself back from the  window, panic setting in. “He saw me.” Before he could even think about a plan, Luca  dropped the trash can, turned, and started walking straight for his front door.  

“So much fuck.”  

“Okay, okay, uh… fuck!” He scrambled, tripping over himself as he darted for the  bedroom. He yanked open his closet, grabbing the first thing he could find—a  hideous flannel robe that he used when he was sick to feel all cozy and cocooned. He  threw it on, tying it haphazardly over his lacy pink panties, which, for the love of all  that is holy, please let Luca not have noticed.  

Knock, knock.  


Sami took a deep breath, smoothed down the robe (as if that would make it any less  ugly), and cracked the door open. “Uh… hey?” he said in as casual a tone as he could  fake, as if he wasn’t a mess of humiliated panic inside.  

Shirtless, Luca stood there, sweatpants hanging low, happy trail on display, with that  same wicked smirk plastered across his face. “You gonna invite me in, or just keep  pretending you weren’t watching me like an adorable little peeping Tom?”  

Sami’s mouth went dry. So. Caught. Luca didn’t wait for an answer, though. He pushed  the door open wide and sauntered inside, his gaze immediately dropping to the  robe. His smile grew.  

“What are you wearing?” Luca asked, reaching out and fingering the flannel fabric like  the offensive relic it was. 

“I panicked, okay?! It’s just… it was the first thing… I didn’t…” Sami rambled nonsense  in the face of his crush, tugging the robe tighter around himself. “I wasn’t expecting  you to—uh—come over.”  

“Mmmm, well, I was hoping since I gave you a show, you’d give me one too. You  know, I show you mine… you let me suck yours?” Luca let out a wicked chuckle. “A  good start is to take that ugly-ass robe off and let me see those bottoms up close.”  

Sami’s breath hitched, his heart pounding. He saw. He saw the delicate lacy garment,  and he still came over. He wants to see more. More of him.  

Wait, Sami’s mind jolted—did he say “suck yours”?  

Luca was standing so close Sami could feel the heat radiating off him, smell the faint  musk of sweat and cologne. He hesitated, but one look into Luca’s eyes told him it  wasn’t a suggestion. The internal war was over before it started. Yup, he was going to  drop the robe.  

With a shaky breath, Sami let it fall to the floor in a withered plaid pile, leaving him  standing there in nothing but his frilly pink undies. Cock ragingly hard and dripping  precum. He fought down every urge to cover up with his hands. Luca’s eyes darkened,  his lips parting slightly as his gaze raked over Sami’s body.  

“Fuck,” Luca muttered, stepping closer, his fingers skimming over the waistband, with  a subtle possessiveness. “Love how you look in these.” His hands slid to Sami’s hips,  stroking over the curve of his belly, his thumbs pressing into the plushness. “Soft,” he  murmured, his lips parting as he licked them. “So soft.”  

He bent down, his mouth grazing Sami’s skin, warm and wet as he kissed a line across  Sami’s stomach. The scent of arousal hit Luca’s nose, a musky, intoxicating scent that  made his cock twitch in his pants. “You smell so good. So fucking hard and ready for  me.” 

Sami whimpered, his entire body trembling as Luca’s tongue teased over the head of  his cock through the thin fabric. Luca pulled back, one hand still tracing lazy circles  over Sami’s soft tummy. “I’ve known you’ve been watching me. Every Friday. I was  making sure you saw this.” He glanced down at his own crotch, still heavy in those  insanely sexy sweatpants. “You like it, yes?”  

Sami’s breath hitched. He nodded as Luca straightened and ground his hips forward,  letting him feel the full weight of his cock pressing against his flesh. It was like a steel  pipe wrapped in silk, and Sami couldn’t help but reach out, fingers brushing over the  bulge.  

Luca leaned in, ghosting his breath down Sami’s neck, whispering while licking his  earlobe. “So, you do want to see it up close. Thought you’d never ask.” With  deliberate slowness, Luca tugged down his sweatpants, inch by agonizing inch,  revealing more and more of his mammoth, thick, veined cock. Sami’s eyes widened as  it finally sprang free, heavy and hard, the head glistening with precum.  

“Holy shit,” Sami whispered, eyes glued to the magnificent sight before him. Luca was  packing—nine inches of thick and throbbing porn star-quality dick. He was pretty sure  he was drooling, and did not care even a little. That cock was the definition of mouth  watering.  

“You look a little dickmatized, baby.” He let Sami stare for a moment before stroking a  finger across the tip, lifting it to rub across Sami’s pouty lower lip. “Have a taste of  what you’ve been missing.”  

Sami was-oh so-100% dickmatized. Entranced. He touched the stickiness with his  tongue. Eyes dilated, Luca gently took his hand and led him across the living room,  sitting him onto the couch. He dropped to his knees between Sami’s legs and  reverently slid the panties underneath Sami’s sack, displaying his much smaller but  beautifully shaped uncut cock. 

“Perfect.” His gaze darkened with anticipation of running his tongue under the  foreskin. He leaned in and rubbed his face across Sami’s lap, inhaling deeply, lightly  kissing each ball. “Say you want it, and I’ll—”  

“I want it…” Sami whined, cutting him off, thrusting his hips up in embarrassing  eagerness.  

“My pleasure.” His mouth was on Sami’s cock in seconds, hot and wet, devouring  every inch like he was starving. He burrowed his tongue between the foreskin and  head, slicking him with saliva.  

Sami’s mind blanked. He gasped at the overwhelming sensation, grabbing Luca’s hair  while his mouth spun magic all over his length. He knew exactly how to make Sami fall  apart with each lick, each suck. The way his spit-slick fist twisted the base just so, in  perfect rhythm with that mouth. Gods. Sami’s legs shook, pleasure building until he  was whimpering, trembling, unable to hold back any longer.  

"Oh-fuck! I'm going to cum.... So good.... So... please," Sami moaned. He knew this  was embarrassingly fast, but he was utterly unable to hold back. His dream was  kneeling for him. Pleasuring him. Desiring him. This brink of agonizing pleasure was  all-consuming.  

Sami gasped, his back arching off the couch. He was nothing but a whimpering,  trembling mess. Luca's hands roamed his soft body, stroking and caressing, his  fingers digging into the plushness.  

"So fucking perfect," Luca muttered between licks, his voice muffled by Sami's cock.  "Make you mine. Cum for me, baby."  

And Sami did-hard. Luca swallowed every drop, his mouth never lifting. He laid his  head back in Sami's lap and let his cock soften totally in his mouth, warming it while  letting Sami fall back to Earth. 

After a few minutes, Luca sat back with a sultry grin, pulling Sami’s panties back into  place with the same reverence as earlier. He placed one last kiss on the tip before  covering him. It was as though he was tucking Sami in for the night.  

“You want to try?” Luca purred, standing back up, towering over Sami. He tugged the  gray sweatpants further down his well-muscled thighs. Something about him shirtless  and exposed to his knees was the naughtiest thing Sami had ever experienced.  

With shaky hands, Sami lowered himself from the couch to his knees, the sight of  Luca’s length so close making him ache with need. Luca groaned when Sami took as  much of him into his mouth as he could—which wasn’t much, as there was a whole  other normal-sized dick nowhere near his lips.  

“Just do your best, sweetheart. Take as much as you can,” Luca said, his hips rocking  forward as Sami worked, eager to please. His tongue swirled around the tip, taking  Luca as deep as he could, even as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.  

Sami pulled his mouth off, furrowed his brow, and spit into his hands, wrapping both  around the excess length before swallowing Luca back down. Twisting and pulling, he  stroked his pinkies over Luca’s tight balls. There were teeth, sloppy attempts to take in  more, choked gasps for air - in short - it was messy and a poor attempt, but he was  giving it his best. It was just too big for him.  

“Mmmm… that’s fucking hot. So determined. What a good boy,” Luca rasped, his  voice a mix of praise and pleasure. He didn’t care to last long—he wanted to reward  Sami for putting in so much effort at handling him. Plus, he’d been on the verge of  spilling anyway since Sami dropped the robe and showed off his thick creamy body.  He truly could have just licked from the root to head, and Luca would have erupted.  

A breathy defeated whine escaped from Sami, and that sent him. With a low grunt,  Luca shuddered, cumming hard as Sami swallowed every drop, just like Luca had  done for him. 

Cradling Sami’s face with his long fingers, while he beamed up at him from his knees,  awash in the praise. Luca pulled back to gaze down at him. “You are just like my  fantasies about you, so good for me.”  

Before Sami could catch his breath, Luca pulled him to his feet and smacked his ass,  hard enough to leave a mark. "Be ready at six. We're getting nine inch deep-dish  pizza, and when we get back..." He leaned in, back to the tranquil calm from a  moment ago, mouth brushing against Sami's ear, “'re getting nine inches of  deep dicking.”  

Sami, still breathless, grinned as Luca's eyes flashed with lust.  


October 09, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Confessions