By Eris Chase  

Happy almost October, my little candy corns! The season of pumpkin spice lattes,  sweater weather, and sorting out the perfect slut-o-ween costume is upon us. But  another, more challenging—and deeply hotter—celebration also takes place during  this time of brisk nights and cloudy dawns: Locktober. A 31-day event where you take  that prized possession swinging between your thighs and cram it into a teeny-tiny  cage, effectively turning it into a wee little nub, denied any hint of release. Trust me, all  month long, your mind will be screaming, “Please!” but your locked little friend will  respond with a resounding, “No.”  

Think it’s not for you but can’t help your curiosity? Or are you a seasoned re-entrant to  this contest of wills? Feeling like you want to join in and cede control, giving up that  free, unfettered access to your bits? Well, babes, follow along, and we’ll throw you  into the deep end of denial, chastity, and freedom through submission.  

Why? Why Would Anyone Put Themselves Through This?  

The joy of denial, that’s why. There is no better test of strength and self-assured  confidence than locking yourself—or allowing someone else to lock you—into a  chastity cage. It’s about restraint. It’s about proving to yourself that you aren’t  controlled by your impulses. It’s about knowing you could take it off and give in to the  temptation to spill your load, but you don’t. It’s turning your whole body into a  machine built for your self-denial and, possibly, if you have a key-holder, someone  else’s intense pleasure. You may find yourself welcoming being cast in the role of  “hole.” And, I mean, a caged cock is kind of very sexy and visually pleasing too, don’t  you think?  

First Time? No Worries, You Can Go Slow  

31 days is a loooooong time. Like, a really long time if this is your first foray into  chastity. It’s okay to ease into it—Locktober is meant to be a fun challenge, not a horror  show where your twig and berries become a bruised and swollen mess. Just 

remember, there are no rules here except the ones you set. Start small. Maybe a few  hours, then a day. Then maybe a weekend. Take breaks. Most importantly, listen to  your body—or in this case, listen to your dick. If it’s sending SOS signals, don’t ignore  them! Release and then relock.  

Choose Your Hardware Wisely  

In our modern era of 3D printing, precision fabrication techniques, and kinks going  mainstream, there are a massive amount of cage options for you to explore. They are  not one-size-fits-all either. You need to be as accurate in your measuring as possible  to ensure a proper fit. If you’re new to the cage scene, go for lightweight materials like  surgical-grade nylon or polycarbonate (plastic). If you’re more seasoned or want that  glossy look, stainless steel is your best friend. Trust me, with all the choices out there,  you’ll find the perfect accessory for your needs.  

**NOTE:** For the love of all that’s holy, try it out before October 1! I cannot stress  this enough. The last thing you want is to get all geared up and realize, “Oh no, this  thing’s pinching!” or “It’s too heavy.” Take a couple of test runs, make sure everything’s  snug—but not too snug—and give yourself plenty of time to adjust.  

The Benefit of Discomfort  

No sugarcoating the truth: wearing a chastity cage—especially 24/7—can and will  cause discomfort, both physical and mental, especially if you’re new to the siren’s call  of caging. TAKE YOUR TIME. Give yourself breaks; you’ll need fewer as you go on.  Time eases the pain and transforms it into something you can draw strength from.  

As an added bonus, once you take satisfying your greedy monster off the table, you’ll  find yourself more focused and productive. Locking up somehow transforms you into  an energy-infused machine. It’s like giving your brain a break from being dick-stracted  

all day. Instant gratification is very much our whole jam in this world, and there’s  hardly a more instant gratification than your hand bringing your man meat to  completion. But Locktober forces you to slow down, delay satisfaction, and savor the  build-up. 

The Payoff  

The real real of Locktober—is what happens when the cage finally comes off. After  hours, weeks, or even all 31 days, of self-denial, your first post-Locktober orgasm is  going to hit, ma’am. I’m talking explosive, full-body shivers—the kind of release that  makes you forget your own name for a minute. That good kind of good.  

Denying yourself doesn’t just make the experience more intense—it makes it  unforgettable. After holding back for so long, when you finally let go, it’s like all that  tension erupts ten fold compared to what you are used to, it’s worth every minute of  restraint. So while you may be locked up now, know that what’s waiting for you on the  other side of Halloween is going to be All Time.  

Final Encouragement to Lock It Up  

So, you’re in, yes? Good. Grab your cage, lock it up, and join the challenge. Whether  you’re a seasoned pro or a chastity-curious newbie, Locktober is the ultimate test of  test of willpower and patience. It's not for the faint of heart, but if you can make it  through-even with breaks-you'll come out the other side feeling reborn.  

Happy Locktober, boys! Let the games begin.

September 25, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Sex Tips