Listen up straight guys, it's time to break free from those pesky stereotypes and explore the colorful world of what society considers "gay." Grab your glitter and get ready for a dose of truth as we debunk these misconceptions. Here are six traits that people associate with being gay, but in reality, they're just a part of our fabulous spectrum of humanity!

A Higher Pitch Voice

Honey, pitch ain't got nothin' to do with sexual orientation! So what if some of us have voices that can shatter glass? We embrace the fabulous range of vocal cords. Whether you're a tenor or a soprano, let your voice soar high above those outdated judgments. Likewise, you can be super fem and have a deep voice. So sing it loud and proud!

Sweet Foods

Can we talk about the deliciousness of a well-crafted dessert? Society might label us for having a sweet tooth, but trust us, everyone loves a scrumptious treat. Gay, straight, unicorn – doesn't matter! From gooey chocolate lava cakes to rainbow sprinkle-covered cupcakes, we sashay into the land of sweetness with a fabulous strut, but straight men need to shy away from cream pies and sugary cocktails either!


Okay, let's address the elephant in the room – or should we say the elephant in the bedroom? Anal play and pleasure aren't exclusive to any sexual orientation. It's all about exploring your desires and discovering what floats your boat. So, bottoms, tops, versatile cuties and straight men alike--let's throw away the assumptions and embrace consensual intimacy in all its forms. Heteros, let your girlfriend stick her finger up your butt and you'll never go back! No labels required!

Crying at Movies

Pass the tissues, darling! Shedding a tear or two during a heart-wrenching movie scene doesn't define your sexuality. It just shows you've got a big ol' heart that can be moved by the magic of cinema. So grab a bucket of popcorn and let those emotions flow. Not even the straightest, most emotionally-repressed, toxically-masculine man is immune to those Pixar movies, so just let it out!

Manscaping / Moisturizing

Who says self-care is reserved for the gays? We can all be about looking and feeling our best, inside and out. Whether you're sculpting your eyebrows to perfection, manscaping your nether regions, or indulging in a luxurious skincare routine, self-love knows no bounds. It's time to slather on that moisturizer and let your fabulousness shine, regardless of who you love!

Going to Gay Clubs/Drag Shows

Alright, it's time to paint the town rainbow! Straight folks, listen up – gay clubs and drag shows aren't exclusive clubs for the LGBTQ+ community. They're vibrant, fabulous spaces where everyone can dance, let loose, and soak up the infectious energy (and much better music than straight clubs). So grab your dancing shoes, channel your inner diva, and let's all party like the fierce unicorns we are! Remember, lovelies, these so-called "gay" traits are not exclusive to our community. Let's break free from labels and celebrate the vibrant spectrum of human diversity. Embrace your true self, live authentically, and remember that love knows no boundaries. Stay fabulous, and keep slaying! Keep shining, you fabulous creatures! 🌈💖✨
May 12, 2023 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture