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Article by Ben Haynes

Getting serious with a guy is something that only sometimes comes around from time to time. When it happens, it’s an incredible experience. But how serious can you get with a guy if you don’t know who he is at his core? Sure, he may be beautiful on the outside, but if he’s ugly on the inside, it’s time to move along. Here are five of the most important things to know about your new spark before he becomes a flame.

1. What Does He Do With His Shopping Cart After He’s Done With It?

This might be the last question you’d ever expect to see on Andrew Christian’s website, but it’s also one of the most important! Is your guy the type who makes extra effort to return the cart to its proper location following a shopping spree? Or does he leave it wherever for whomever to deal with it later? It may not occur to most, but this simple act can tell much about his character. The guy who returns the shopping cart to the cart return is a guy who goes the extra mile, both literally and figuratively. He’s a man with integrity, respect, and a hell of a lot of patience. Sure, this can seem small, but if he’s the type who leaves a mess for others to pick up, it screams the word “inconsiderate” and gives a pretty clear picture of problems you may run into.

2. How Does He Treat Customer Service Employees?

Regarding the tip, we hope you get more than that in between the sheets with your man. But when dealing with people working behind the counter, pay close attention. How your man talks to and treats servers, retail workers, service representatives, managers, and the like says a lot about how he’ll treat you when things don’t go how he likes. If he stiffs the waiter, snaps his fingers, raises his voice, or goes out of his way to be rude, it may be time to move along. Suppose he treats a total stranger in a calm environment with utter disrespect. How will he treat you during challenging times in the relationship?

3. Does He Hold the Door for Others?

Nobody wants to feel like a doormat, but ignoring the opportunity to make someone else smile sends all the wrong messages. When he’s entering the coffee shop, and there’s a person not far behind him, watch to see if he holds the door open for them or lets it close behind him. While this may be trivial, it again speaks to his character. We all need a door held open here and there, and if your man is the guy who notices the chance and takes it (even when it slows him down), you’ve probably found a keeper.

4. Giver or Taker?

This is not a conversation about who’s pitching and catching. This is much deeper than that. We all love receiving gifts and little surprises. Is your guy the type that only ever gets them from you but doesn’t seek ways to return the favor? Ideally, every relationship should be a system of giving. You should always find little ways to give things (both physical and emotional) to your partner, and he should be doing the same. But pay attention to his motives. When he gives you things, is it just because he feels he needs to return the favor? Or does it come more naturally to him?

5. Does He Show Up on Time?

Nobody likes to be kept waiting, and it’s even more aggravating when somebody frequently does it to others. When you make plans with your man, is he where he says he’s going to be when he says he’s going to be there? We all run a little late occasionally, and that’s not much to worry about. But if his tardiness constantly holds you back, it says a lot about the respect he doesn’t have for you or your time. Ultimately, the person you hitch your wagon to reflects a lot about your character. Before things get serious, get to know who you’re dating.
September 07, 2023 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Listicles
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