Fun Date Ideas You Can Do Without Leaving the House
If you're cooped up inside for the foreseeable future, it can get pretty boring. You may be stuck alone in your studio apartment or sequestered somewhere with your significant other. In the case of the latter, know that a long stretch of time with just the two of you has the potential to be a strain on the relationship, or it may just bring you two closer together than ever before! So to ensure that you're not at each other's throats and the spark stays alive, here's eight fun date ideas you can do, without even leaving the house! Talk about a cheap date!
1. Sexy Board Game Night
It's time to dust off Twister, Monopoly, or whatever highly esoteric, vintage strategic warfare simulator board-game you've got stashed under your coffee table. It doesn't really matter which one you play, because you're going to play a "strip" version. Each round someone gets punished by having to remove an article of clothing. Who ever said board games are lame?2. Cook Dinner Together
If you can't go out to a five-star restaurant for a romantic, candle-lit dinner, then prepare one for yourself! Alternately, if neither you nor your boytoy can cook, than relish in the sweet antics of two buffoons fumbling around the kitchen. Get messy and have fun!3. Read Out Loud to Each Other
In the old days, this is how gentleman-callers and their objects of desire would pass the days in their dusty Victorian manors. Imagine his head lovingly resting in your lap as you begin... "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal...."