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Article written by Maya Vukovska

At the very beginning of the global pandemic, nobody knew for sure what damage COVID-19 could do to the body. Up to date, there are still some unclarities about what the short and long-term side effects of the virus infection can be. And let me give one example. On a popular sex-themed podcast, a man in his 30s said that COVID-19 caused his penis to shrink. Prior to getting infected in June 2021, he’d describe his sex organ as “above average” in size. He was hospitalized, and at some point, the guy noticed that his dick had shrunk by 1,5 inches. Alas, it happened to be a permanent condition, and the doctors said it was highly impossible that the organ would grow back to its original size.

An inch and a half is not much, you’ll say, but even the smallest shrinkage can cause a big drama for some men, if not, all men, because a man’s self-worth and pride are intrinsically linked to penis size.

The above story may sound like another conspiracy theory about how evil scientists have created the virus with the purpose to make as many men as possible impotent so that the world population stops growing. But that's not the case here. It is not known yet for sure whether COVID affects the penis size, but what urologist have confirmed to be a true fact is that the infection can affect erections. That is why, they keep encouraging men to get vaccinated in order to save the boners.

But beside the virus that's turned our lives upside down the last two years, there are other reasons why a penis may shrink.

Putting flesh on

That’s possibly the least scary reason. Although weight gain may get you in serious health troubles, it does not actually cause your dick to shrink. It just makes it look smaller! In other words, we are talking about an optical illusion here. Guys who’ve put on 20+ pounds аre convinced that their penis has lost its previous appeal, and suffer emotionally because of that! And they are not totally wrong to believe that because the erectile muscles are connected to the abdominal wall, so when your belly grows it pulls your member inward. The good news is that your dick will shine again in its full splendor if you cut down on those beers and chips, and lose the extra pounds.

Putting mileage on

Like every other organ in the body, the penis is too subject to aging. It can lose 0.4 inches of its length, which is a whole centimeter, in the period between your 30th and 60th birthday. Many older men won’t even notice the difference, but what they’ll definitely notice is that their penis gets less full when erected. Dear gents, sooner or later, the balloon, alas!, will start losing air, and that’s just another sad truth of life.

Having rough sex

During vigorous sex, the penis can suffer minor injuries that can cause the formation of plaques, or fibrous scar tissues under its skin of the penis. The condition is know as Peyronie’s disease and you know you’ve got it when you have the following symptoms: pain, erection problems, your penis significantly curves upward, downward, or the one side, or it has lost length and girth. The condition is not life-threatening, and you can live with it, but if persisting pain or the deformity of the organ bother you and your partner you should see a doctor.

If you don’t use it you’ll lose it

Well, you don’t lose the entire penis, of course, but an inch or two of its length is possible. Like the muscles or the brain, the penis, too, needs regular exercising. And I presume you know what that means: having sex with a partner or with yourself, i.e. masturbating as much as possible. Producing erections on a regular basis is way more important than you think! Sexual activities create strong blood flow to the penis, which has huge health benefits. If your dick is constantly flabby, collagen and the other erectile tissues will begin to fail, resulting in penile shrinkage.

The solution is simple: use your dick not only in theory but in practice, too. Another great way to prevent it from shrinking is exercising your pelvic muscles. For that purpose, you may consider getting yourself one of those complete training Kegel exercise programs that have helped thousands of people to optimize their sexual performance.

With that said, let me remind you that regardless of your dick size, you can always do something extra to improve the well-being of your precious friend down there. So, don’t wait for it to “sashay away” to start giving it the attention it needs.

February 09, 2022 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Listicles
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