by Jeff White

Alright, honey, grab your most fabulous boa and a gallon of tea, because we're about to spill it all over this judicial circus. Let's dive into the hot mess that is our Supreme Court and their upcoming game of "Who Wants to Be a Constitutional Nightmare?"

First up, we've got Clarence Thomas, the poster child for "I'll take my ethics with a side of scandal, please." Born in '48 and still clinging to that bench like it's the last designer sale rack, our dear Clarence is pushing 76 and living his best sugar baby life. Harlan Crow's been showering him with more gifts than a drag queen on her birthday. Honey, when your ethical violations are more numerous than the sequins on RuPaul's gown, maybe it's time to sashay away.

Then there's Samuel Alito, the April Fool's baby who apparently thought "precedent" was just a fancy word for "optional." This man treats Roe v. Wade like it's last season's fashion – utterly disposable. But let's not forget his partners in crime: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Remember when they swore Roe was untouchable? Turns out their promises have about as much substance as Trump's spray tan.

Now, picture this nightmare: Trump gets a second term. Because apparently, half of America loves a bad reboot more than Hollywood. He appoints two more baby-faced conservative justices to replace Clarence and Alito, probably plucked straight from a Federalist Society daycare. Suddenly, our LGBTQ+ rights are hanging by a thread thinner than the plot of a heteronormative rom-com. Obergefell v. Hodges? More like "Oh, hell no v. We're screwed."

Honey, buckle up. We're diving into a potential cesspool of privacy violations deeper than a drag queen's neckline at a summer pride parade. Let's spill this scalding tea:

This new baby-faced ultra conservative Supreme Court will turn back the clock faster than you can say "OK, Boomer." Obamacare? Gone. Those with pre-existing conditions like HIV? Uninsurable and left without healthcare coverage. PrEP covered by insurance? Canceled. Voting rights? Who needs 'em! Gun control? Darling, in their America, you get a gun, and you get a gun – everybody gets a gun! It's like Oprah, but with bullets.

Your birth control options? Limited to abstinence, prayer, and maybe a strongly worded letter to your ovaries. "Dear Eggs, please don't drop this month. XOXO, Desperate." The court be pushing their agenda harder than a drag queen pushes her tuck.

As for privacy rights? They'll be treating our personal information like it's the latest gossip at a church bake sale. Your browser history will be available at the public library, filed right between "Gardening Tips" and "How to Spot a Witch."

At this rate, we'll be lucky if they don't mandate chastity belts and town criers announcing our personal business. Can you imagine?

So, my fellow rainbow warriors, unless we want our sex lives to become the next hit reality TV show ("Keeping Up With the Kink-dashians"), we better work harder than a pair of spanx at an all-you-can-eat buffet to keep these nosy Nellies out of our business. Because if we don't, the only privacy we'll have left will be in our own heads - and honestly, even that feels like a stretch at this point.

So, as we teeter on the edge of this judicial hellscape, what's a fierce, freedom-loving queen to do? Well, darling, it's time to werk those voting rights harder than a lip-sync for your life!

Remember, the only way to avoid this nightmare-in-sequins scenario is to strut your stuff right into that voting booth and cast your ballot for someone who's got our back – not the creep trying to grab our pussies. We need a president who treats our rights like a sacred Birkin bag, not like last night's hookup.

So listen up, my glittery warriors of justice: When election day comes, sashay away from the haterade-drinking, rights-snatching candidates faster than you'd flee a bad haircut. Vote for the icon who's going to defend our fabulous existence with more ferocity than a drag queen defending her wig collection.

Because honey, in this high-stakes game of constitutional chess, we can't afford to let our rights get checkmated by some dusty old bible-thumping court in desperate need of a makeover. It's time to turn out, show up, and make our voices heard louder than a thousand death drops.

Let's make America GAY again – and by gay, I mean actually happy, inclusive, and free. Now that's a glow-up even RuPaul would be proud of!
October 15, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: AC Hot Takes