By Eris Chase  

You can smell it in the air—the wretched stench of a steaming pile of rotting trash, and  it’s called Project 2025. A 920-page dystopian nightmare disguised as a policy  proposal, it was written by an amalgamation of ultra-conservative groups who would  rather see LGBTQ+ people disappear into the shadows than breathe the same air as  them. It’s a bloated document full of policies targeting everything from hard-earned  rights to healthcare, access to steamy content, and anything they can consider  “pornography” in between.  

What Exactly Is Project 2025?  

Project 2025 was created by throwing a little jamboree with dozens of conservative  and religious-right organizations and spinning their ideas into a web of bitter  nonsense under the direction of the Heritage Foundation. You can find most of the  co-signers on The Southern Poverty Law Center’s top fan-favorite LGBTQ+ hate  groups list. You know, the same folks who have opposed LGBTQ+ rights for years?  Yes, those cunts.  

The intentionally ambiguous document is their blueprint for what they want the first  180 days of a second Trump administration—or whoever they can get into a position  of lawmaking power—to look like. Their endgame? Rolling back the rights and  freedoms that have been fought for over the past few decades. We're talking about  the potential for banning what they consider pornography entirely and scrubbing  federal laws of any mention of sexual orientation or gender identity.  

What Do They Consider Pornography?  

Glad you asked, because this is the major kicker. Remember how hard they came for  drag queens? Calling them “child predators” and “groomers”? They’re playing even  harder this go-round. Pornography, in their esteemed view, is YOU. Project 2025  redefines “pornography” as anything related to sexuality and gender that they deem  harmful to children. Read that again because it is very important. By their definition,  pornography can, and if you follow the thread, will include pretty much any and all  LGBTQ+ content since it isn’t representative of what they call “traditional family  values.” Anyone caught owning or sharing this so-called "porn" could end up behind  bars. Again, this is all in their own words. 

Yes—sharing LGBTQ+ content could become a crime. They’re not just talking about  banning what we usually consider adult content, like videos or pics of sex acts  between consenting adults, which they are seeking to 100% limit access to if not  outright ban (and that’s bad enough). No, they mean anything from children’s library  books featuring two dads instead of a mom and dad, fine art hung in federally funded  museums depicting two women kissing, references in history texts to poetry about  boys falling in love with other boys, educational materials about gender identity, gay  marriage, etc. If you think they’ll be content with just halting access to sites like Just  for Fans, Grindr, and Pornhub, you’re giving them far too much credit. Their list of  what they want to disappear will almost certainly include anything and everything  LGBTQ+ related.  

What Would Be the Penalty in This New Hellscape?  

Oh, they’re very much not fucking around about the penalties. They want, again, in  their exact words, to throw everyone involved in what they will call “porn” —from  creators to teachers to doctors to librarians to internet service providers—into prison  and register them as sex offenders. Another good time to read that sentence again.  

They want to take us all back to a time when not just adult content, but anything even  remotely queer, was labeled “obscene.” And they aren’t hiding this deep in the  recesses of the document either. The first mentions are on page 5. Yes, page FIVE. If  this becomes law, don’t think for a second it won’t have real consequences. You’ve  already seen what happened after the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  

Here are a few sections of text from Project 2025’s plan for criminalizing pornography:  

“Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender  ideology and the sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot  inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual  liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its  purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is  as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime.  Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be  imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as  registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate  its spread should be shuttered.” (Mandate for Leadership 2025, Page 5) 

“All digital content providers will be required to implement stringent controls to ensure  content deemed obscene is inaccessible to minors, protecting their moral  development.” (Mandate for Leadership 2025, Page 509)  

“Obscene content, which undermines traditional family values, will be subject to strict  scrutiny and regulation under new federal guidelines.” (Mandate for Leadership 2025,  Page 510)  

“Where warranted and proper under federal law, initiate legal action against local  officials—including District Attorneys—who deny American citizens the ‘equal protection  of the laws’ by refusing to prosecute criminal offenses in their jurisdictions. This holds  true particularly for jurisdictions that refuse to enforce the law against criminals based  on the Left’s favored defining characteristics of the would-be offender (race, so-called  gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) or other political considerations (e.g.,  immigration status).” (Mandate for Leadership 2025, Page 533)  

“But We Have Legal Protections, Right?”  

Sure you do, but under Project 2025, you probably won’t. This isn’t just about  criminalizing content—it’s about erasing rights too. They also seek to overturn the  legal protections that keep LGBTQ+ people safe from discrimination in housing,  employment, and healthcare. Check out and their Project 2025 Exposed  section for more in-depth information on this.  

Censor. Censor. Censor. Erase. Erase. Erase.  

Think we’re being overdramatic? Go back to the Supreme Court’s decision to  overturn Roe v. Wade, and look at how fast and far states ran with that ball  immediately after the ruling. It’s not a stretch to see where these policies could land  huge parts of the United States—or, worse, all of the US, if this goes national, which is  clearly the endgame (see text from page 533 above). They think of Roe as the  opening act. They’re gunning for the rights to sexual privacy and bodily autonomy  that underpin everything from abortion access to the right to exist as queer people in  the world.  

The plan can truly be thought of as pretty much an all-encompassing “Don’t Say Gay”  policy that would scrub the internet and libraries of, again, not just adult content, but  any LGBTQ+ content. Literally, it could potentially become a world where we can’t  search for “drag brunch,” “LGBTQ+ friendly churches near me,” or “transgender care.”  Access to your favorite adult streaming sites? Gone. Being able to log into your 

favorite hookup apps? Gone. This blog and all its content? Gone. The photos of  models in their Andrew Christian jocks? Gone. Your favorite bodice-ripper romance  novel? Gone. The words you’re reading right now? Gone. The children’s book with  two dads, the fine art of girls kissing, the poem about falling in love? Gone. Gone.  Gone. The models, the actors, the artists, the authors, and the librarians who helped  you check out the book? All in jail.  

What You Can Do?  

FUCKING VOTE. Because trust me, the people who are frothing to see all 920 pages  come to fruition always do. This is no time to sit on the sidelines. Your voice matters,  and it’s time to use it and give Project 2025 goals a deep reality check. Get your  community talking about why the whole “labeling LGBTQ+ people as child predators”  ideal is not only ludicrous but wildly outdated. Blast it on your social media accounts,  tell it to your friends and frenemies alike, drop it into some DMs, shout it in the  freaking town square, but do not be silent on this. You and your words are mighty and  desperately necessary.  

We Are the Power  

Let’s be clear: The people behind Project 2025 aren’t just trying to censor porn— they’re trying to redefine it to control education, healthcare, bodies, minds, and  futures. We cannot let this happen. The LGBTQ+ community and its allies are a force.  Hate has been squared off against time and time again, and the rainbow family has  come out stronger and more solidified each time. These rights have been fought too  hard for to let them be ripped away.  

Project 2025 might want to rewrite the story of our lives, but, baby, no one said we  couldn’t grab that pen right out of their hands with our votes and continue to write a  story of love, acceptance, and living truth!

More Resources:  

Go to to make sure you are registered and ready to vote.  

Want to take action? Check out reputable volunteer sites like, and for loads of opportunities to get involved. 

Read Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” courtesy of The Free Speech Coalition.

For further depth and explanation on Project 2025, go to

September 09, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: AC Hot Takes