Let’s talk about the fabulous spectacle that is Donald Trump’s signature on those COVID-19 stimulus checks. I mean, really? It’s almost as if he thought he could turn a budget line into a Broadway opening. But let’s break it down, because this isn’t just a case of ink on paper; it’s a dazzling magic show of misdirection.

First off, let’s rewind to that magical moment when the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives passed those checks with a resounding 275 to 134 vote. Now, that’s a majority that could make for a super fun afters! Meanwhile, Trump was over here like the guy who shows up late to the party, expecting to be the life of it. A whopping 130 Republicans, along with two independents and two Democrats, decided they were too cool for school and voted against it. So, the big question remains: what exactly was our former president taking credit for? Spoiler alert: it wasn’t his idea the Democrats passed it. 

Trump’s signature on those checks is nothing more than a shiny sticker on a product he had zero hand in creating. It’s reminiscent of his buildings—he likes to brand them with his name, but let’s be real: he didn’t build most of those either. Just another case of someone riding the coattails of others hard work, thinking a flashy signature makes him the star of the show.

A signature can be a powerful thing, darling, but in this scenario, it’s about as meaningful as a drag performance without any flair. It’s just not the same, right? When you think of a leader, you’d hope they’d actually take responsibility for their actions. But here we have Trump, trying to bask in the glory of financial relief while leaving the hard work to others. It’s like strutting onto the RuPaul’s Drag Race stage in a bedazzled glitterific unitard and demanding to be crowned queen without ever having shown any real talent!

Honestly, this whole signature business is a prime example of Trump’s flair for the theatrical—smoke and mirrors, darling, all style over substance. While his name may have graced those checks, the real magic came from the relentless effort of those who fought for relief, not him trying to grab the spotlight. So, the next time your crazy uncle Bob starts raving about those Trump stimulus checks, remind him that Trump's signature isn’t a badge of honor; it’s just a flashy reminder of someone claiming credit for what they didn’t even touch.

September 20, 2024 — Andrew Christian
Tags: AC Hot Takes